From the course: Project Management: Energy and Water Projects

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Closing phase

Closing phase

- Every story, no matter how grand, has an ending. In the world of energy and water projects, this culmination is the closing phase. Today, we explore the final steps of our project journey, where we review, handover, and reflect upon the work accomplished. Our first milestone, project review. This is where we look back at the entire project, analyzing the successes and challenges. Did we meet our objectives? Where there unexpected hurdles? The aim is not just to pat yourself on the back, but to learn and grow, taking these insights into the future endeavors. Next, we dive into the handover procedures. Imagine crafting a masterpiece and then entrusting it to museum for display. Similarly, the project once completed is handed over to its final owners or stakeholders. This could mean a new hydroelectric plant being transitioned to a local utility company or purified water system being integrated into a community. Detailed documentation, training sessions, and clear protocols ensure a…
