From the course: Project Management: Choosing the Right Online Tool

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Biggest disadvantage of Dependencies

Biggest disadvantage of Dependencies

From the course: Project Management: Choosing the Right Online Tool

Biggest disadvantage of Dependencies

- [Instructor] Part of building a project schedule is defining the dependencies between tasks and that's where comes up very short. It takes several steps to set up dependencies and even then they don't work the way most project managers need. I'm using this very small sample project to show you what I mean. The first thing you need to do is to add the dependency column to the board. To add a column, you go over to the right side and click the plus, then choose more columns. In the column center, I'm going to go to the search box and I'll start to type dependencies. As soon as I see the dependency column I can click it to add it to the board. A message box opens up and it says that you have to set up your automation for the dependencies. So, I'm going to click that button to add it. You could also go up to the top to the automations button at the top of the screen. It's easier if I click the set up your…
