From the course: Programming Foundations: SDKs

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Solution: Get started with a new SDK

Solution: Get started with a new SDK - Python Tutorial

From the course: Programming Foundations: SDKs

Solution: Get started with a new SDK

(bright music) - [Sasha] For the challenge, I chose which is another cloud storage service like DropBox. So I did a search on Box's SDKs, and I found this page in Box's Documentation that lists the languages that they have SDKs in. I notice that Python is here, which is the language I want to use, and they mark that, this SDK is maintained, which means they're continuing to work on it, to improve it, and to keep it working. And that the Parity column, I assume, means that all of these different SDKs have the same features. There's not one that has more features than the other or one less. So I want to use that Python SDK. And when I click through that, there's a page that describes how to get started and how to install it. And so it's pretty straightforward here. Very similar to the DropBox SDK. I just use a pip command to install Box SDK. So the command was pip, and I need to do pip3 because I have an alias…
