From the course: Product Management Insights

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Thinking in loops

Thinking in loops

- All right, we've talked about that notion of connecting members to value and finding those points of leverage. Oftentimes people will think about growth as like kind of funnel optimization. I want to share with you one thing that is going to be extremely important to drive more impact and to find those points of leverage in a way that is actually more than linear. And that's about thinking in loops rather than funnels. So funnels are great. The only prime of funnel is you kind of need to constantly bring coal at the top of the funnel. And so you are digging coal is, think about it as kind of a steam engine where you actually have to put coal at the top all the time. And as soon as like you put coal, your train actually moves. 'Cause nearly as soon as you stop, your train stops moving. And the difference between the loop and a funnel is because in the loop you connect back the output to the input, when you do it right, you…
