From the course: Power BI Essential Training

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Overview: Power BI data sources

Overview: Power BI data sources - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Power BI Essential Training

Overview: Power BI data sources

- [Instructor] This chapter focuses on how we get data so that we can analyze it and visualize it in Power BI. In the Power BI service, we can pick an existing semantic model, one that we've used previously or one that someone else has prepared for us. What used to be called datasets are now called semantic models in Power BI, but the labeling isn't consistent through the application. So when you hear or see the term dataset in Power BI or in this course, think semantic model going forward. We can load an app that will contain a semantic model, but will also contain a report and may contain other things as well. We can paste or even manually enter data. Obviously, we wouldn't want to do that with a large set of data. And finally, we can upload a Power BI file called a PBIX file, which will include a report and some data, and we upload that into our workspace. All other data sources, including even Microsoft Excel, require us to use Power BI Desktop, which we'll be exploring at the end…
