From the course: Planning a Microsoft Azure Solution

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What is Azure Migrate?

What is Azure Migrate?

- [Presenter] Let's discuss Azure Migrate, the integrated tools, and the supported scenarios. Azure Migrate is a migration, modernization, and optimization service for Azure. Migration tasks such as discovery, assessments, and right-sizing for on-premises resources are included for infrastructure, data, and applications. Azure Migrate integrates with third-party tools, expanding the scope of supported use cases, and includes various tools for assessment and migration. Azure Migrate provides a unified migration platform with a single portal to start, run, and track your Azure migrations. In the Azure Migrate hub, the following assess, migrate, and modernized scenarios are supported. Servers: assess on-premises servers and migrate them to Azure. Databases: assess on-premises SQL server instances and databases and migrate them to a SQL server on Azure Virtual Machine, Azure SQL Managed Instance, or Azure SQL Database.…
