From the course: Planning a Microsoft Azure Solution

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Creating a migration appliance

Creating a migration appliance - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Planning a Microsoft Azure Solution

Creating a migration appliance

- [Instructor] Now that we know what Azure Migrate is, it's time to execute the first migration steps. First, we'll prepare the Hyper-V host for migration and create a migration appliance by installing the migration software. Azure Migrate can migrate different source environments. For this lecture, we're working with a Hyper-V host running two Windows server-based virtual machines that we'll discover. I've logged into the Hyper-V host with a local administrator account and downloaded the script for preparing the host. Let's run the script by opening PowerShell as an administrator. (mouse clicking) Now, let's browse to the downloads folder. (keyboard clicking) And run the script. (keyboard clicking) Let's answer the question of, "Do you want to run software from this untrusted publisher?" with R, run once. (keyboard clicking) And then, we'll answer all the other questions with yes, (keyboard clicking) except for the…
