From the course: Planning a Microsoft Azure Solution

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Assigning policies

Assigning policies

- [Instructor] Tags are a crucial part of organizing your resources. Like any good governance controls implementation, the requirements should come from the business and be well understood. The business requires us to have a cost center tag and resource groups, and the resources to manage the costs associated with the solution. Azure policy enables us to enforce governance related guardrails, like implementing a cost center tag on resource groups and adding the tag to those resources in that resource group. I've logged into the portal, and we're on the home screen. Let's use the search bar and search for policy followed by clicking on the policy service. There we go. The overview blade shows the overview of the assigned policies and their compliance. Are we adhering to the policies? The compliance blade will allow us to dive deeper into the compliance. Whereas the remediation blade enables us to remediate any…
