From the course: Picking the Right Metrics

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How to chart your career path in data

How to chart your career path in data

From the course: Picking the Right Metrics

How to chart your career path in data

- [Interviewer] That's a role that is not well understood, I would say in the data world, right? We always think of the, the person writing Python code or deeper stuff like Scala or something like that, or Sequel stuff or creating dashboards and beautiful this and that. But, someone that understands at least to some degree, all of those things and making sure that they all are working towards some output that brings that uh-huh moment, or brings that value back is a role that is, I think critical. But yeah, like, I mean, we're talking 2011 or 12 or something when you're talking about it, being the first one to do something like that for the data, consider what we might call a data product, right? And so I think today it's probably, I mean, geez, what, 10 years later, we're still probably a lot of companies out there that just think, oh, I want data stuff. Let me, you know, buy this tool and have someone in IT, figure it…
