From the course: Personal Branding on Social Media

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Track your data

Track your data

- [Instructor] Success on social media is defined by your numbers, so tracking your data is important. Don't track the number of followers. Instead, look at the number of people who have engaged with your posts. That's people who've liked, commented, shared, spent time watching your videos, or tagged a friend. Do not focus on reach or the number of people who view the posts. Focus on engagement. So here we are at Audry's Topsy Turvy Cake Design Facebook page. We're going to scroll down to one of her most recent posts. What we see on Audry's post from March 7th is that she's reached 23 people but engaged with one individual. The difference between people reached and people engaged is that the people reached are people who just saw this post as it scrolled past them on their newsfeed. They didn't stop or take any type of action. On the other hand, people who engaged are people who stopped, decided to take action by liking, commenting, sharing, or even reacting to the post. If Audry…
