From the course: Painting Foundations: Light and the Landscape

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Working with acrylics

Working with acrylics

- I'm now going to talk you through the materials we're going to be using on this course. And the first thing I want to talk you through is a two palette system. (sedate music) The acrylic paints I'll be using throughout this course are from Golden Heavy Body Acrylics, and Winsor & Newton Artist Acrylics. There's a full material list, including all of the paint colors you'll need in your painting downloads PDF, but also, for each stage of the painting, I'll show you the tube pigments that I'll be creating my mixes from for that particular lesson. Because we're working on a larger scale, and because acrylics naturally dry quickly, I'll be working with a two palette system. A tear-off palette, this is a tear-off palette here, you can see how, when I peel up this edge, (paper crackles) that just peels off, so once your paints finish, you can just take that off. And a stay-wet palette. Now, a stay-wet palette enables us to extend the drying time of the acrylics. So, the most common…
