From the course: Painting Foundations: Light and the Landscape

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Using glazing liquid: Blending colors

Using glazing liquid: Blending colors

- So before we start on our main painting I'm just going to show you a little demonstration on how I use acrylic glazing gloss, which is a medium that I use to blend acrylic paints together. Mostly I dilute acrylics with water, but the glazing liquid enables me to work vertical at the easel, extends the working time of the paint, and also allows some smooth blends of thin patches of color. (gentle piano music) So once you've got a block in with your painting you can then work other colors over the top and then start to try and smoke the edges and blend them together. So, for example, if we take some light and then a little bit of the sky blue and then I've just got some water in here, and if I just add water into blend you'll see instantly what happens is that it dilutes the paint, but then it comes down the actual board or the canvas that you're working on. So what can be really handy is to use a medium in with your acrylics to give you a bit more working time and enable you to smoke…
