From the course: Painting Foundations: Light and the Landscape

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The importance of verticals

The importance of verticals

- So now our grounds are all dry, we can start to draw in some light guidelines, start with drawing of the main subject. And one of the most common mistakes that beginners can make when they're drawing out is buildings can go wonky so instead of having the verticals and the horizontals just lined up, they can go slightly askew, and they can really take the viewer's eye out of your scene, rather than getting immersed within it. So what I've got here is a guideline that you can print out and work along from just to give you a few basic guides to work your drawing within just so that we'll get a center scale, especially when we're working on this larger scale painting. So what I'm going to use for this is just simply a tape measure, just to mark off the inches, and then use a set square, just for drawing the lines in. So for example, the first one here, five inches from the top. Just very lightly mark that. And then because the line that I'm interested in is towards the bottom of the…
