From the course: Painting Foundations: Light and the Landscape

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Solution: Revealing the tonal studies

Solution: Revealing the tonal studies

- So the challenge was to try and simplify a full color image into four different blocks of tonal value ranges. So what I'm going to do now is show you through how I approached it, and some of the mistakes I made when I first judged a value and then had to change it later in the painting. (gentle instrumental music) So because we're just using these four tones, you just need to concentrate on the image that we're looking at and then just think, if you had to choose one of those, which tone is going to be the closest? And it can be a really handy technique just to get your eyes in tuned with the lightness and darkness values within the composition. So I'm going to start with the darkest tone to start with, this is a Carbon Black, you could also use a Mask Black or a Bone Black would also work well. And I don't want to use any water on my paint, just because I'm working onto a printer paper and if you add water to it, then it will start to buckle, so the paint straight from the tube. I…
