From the course: Painting Foundations: Light and the Landscape

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Shadow-blocking in

Shadow-blocking in

- As we've learnt from our black and white tonal studies, how important the shadow tones can be, we're going to now block in the very darkest shadow tone just using Burnt Umber. So I've put a couple of layers of the fixative onto here, so now that when I put my finger over it, still brings off a little bit, you know, if you press hard, but it's definitely not going to come off as much as when we had no fixative on it at all. Now what I'm going to start to do is use the Burnt Umber and just block in some of the real darker areas onto the painting. So here I've got some water and then just some plain water as well in this little dipper pot so I can dip my brushes in to it. I'll be using the larger pot if I want to wash out the brushes, but then if I just need a little bit more fluidity on there, I can just dip it into the dipper, and it's a lot easier to control the amount of water when you use a dipper in comparison to when you have a larger amount of water. So I'm using a couple of…
