From the course: Painting Foundations: Light and the Landscape

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Poster study: Value planes

Poster study: Value planes

- So now we've got our eyes tuned into different tonal value planes, I'm going to paint a small tonal study using tones of pre-mixed neutral gray to paint a poster study of our Venetian scene. This will illustrate the importance of the tone and establish the mood of the scene. (gentle piano music) So here I've laid out a range of the neutrals going from the lightest to the darkest, just to illustrate how getting the tones right in the painting is so important to give that sense of realism. So the lightest tone, the eight, I'm just going to block that into the sky, and then work down these tonal range as we work down the painting. So the brushes that I'm using here are a size four from Isabey, a square edge brush, and then this is a size four from Rosemary and Co., a round brush. So for these studies, you're just trying to look at the tones, and then trying to paint them in as just flat tones, not really looking for lots of subtle shading between them, it's more to get your eye tuned…
