From the course: Painting Foundations: Light and the Landscape

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Mixing our base colors

Mixing our base colors

(gentle music) - [Instructor] I often find it's handy to work with subtle colors to start with rather than really intense ones. What I've got here is some burnt sienna, some cadmium orange, and burnt umber. The cadmium orange has got this really lovely intensity to it. With this orange family, there's a range here between the most intense to a medium orange in the burnt sienna, and then a muted orange in the burnt umber. Equally, when we look at the violet blue tones, I've got a violet iron oxide which in its raw state has got a nice, subtle tone to it. I've also got some more intense cobalt violet hue. I might not need this for these first mixes, but I just put a bit out anyway. The pigments I'll be using for the violet blue family are titanium white, violet iron oxide, and ultramarine blue. So when we take our value, this is an N8, and just hold it against the image, you can see for the sky that N8 is pretty much spot on. That's a really good value for that sky, so that's going to…
