From the course: Painting Foundations: Light and the Landscape

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Introducing orange

Introducing orange

- So this is some cobalt violet hue, which is just going to enable us to have a little bit more saturation into the top of the domes. I've also got here, a bit of the cadmium orange so we could push some of those hues in the rooftops. So we can take this top tone that we've got, this warmer base tone, and then just use that, add a little bit of the violet into it. Then you can just jump a little bit of that purply hue just onto this left hand side, just so again, it jumps your eye across, then any other little dashes. Then add in some of the cadmium orange into our darker base. Look cuz this great hue, it's very close to the rooftops. And then that's cadmium orange with some of the yellow ocre, will give you a lovely color to paint this area here, as the sun just sets on the left hand side. And now we've got more of a range of the hues that are in the painting. It makes it a lot easier for you to begin to judge where you can push certain areas of the painting, just to give them a…
