From the course: Painting Foundations: Light and the Landscape

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- Now we're going to introduce the glazing liquid to add thin translucent pastures of color to bring a warmth and a glow into different sections of the painting. (soft music) So here I've got the base tones that we've mixed out previously and I've now swapped onto a tear off palate because I just want to extend the other colors that we're using. So I've now got a cadmium yellow light, the bird sienna that we've made the base tones with, some permanent glistening crimson, and a little bit of permanent rose. So I'm just using a soft or a synthetic brush, this is a size 12, series 302, from Rhodes Wee and Kay. So, I'm using a quite a bit of the glazing liquid to glaze over the top so that you can still see some of the color underneath, but it just helps to soften the edge more. When I look in the reference, I can see it's got this pinker hue, so what I'm just going to do is add a little bit of the permanent glistening crimson. Consult to a larger brush if you like. Add more crimson as it…
