From the course: Painting Foundations: Light and the Landscape

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First painting: Using a rigger brush

First painting: Using a rigger brush

- Now I want to show you the marks that can be made with a rigger brush. And this brush can be really good for adding details to architectural elements and for getting super smooth fine lines. So here's a rigger brush, and you can see it has this really long bristle to it. And that makes it so handy for getting these really long, thin strokes, just from one brushstroke. So is it designed initially for drawing and painting exactly that, the rigging on a boat. So if I just add a bit of the glazing liquid, and a touch of water, just to get a nice consistency of the paint. You see how when I'm mixing it together I'm then twiddling my thumb around so that I'm spinning the bristles into the paint. And what this can help to do is just give you a nice tip of the end of the paint for doing your rigging. So I find they can be handy for doing little dashes as well as uprights. So you can get these really nice thin lines with these brushes in comparison to if you're using a round brush. Let me…
