From the course: Painting Foundations: Light and the Landscape

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- [Instructor] So on the course, I demonstrate on a board for the smaller studies and then on to a canvas for the larger studies. And it's a personal preference really, but the most common difference is the bounce factor that you get when you're working with a canvas. So if I press my finger on to the canvas here, you can see that it's bouncing back and that's just because there's just nothing underneath the canvas, it's just supported by the stretch bars on the outside. So there's always going to be that flexibility and bounce into that surface. In comparison, when you've got a board, you can press on to it, you can work into it with a palette knife, and there's no bounce back. So, this can be handy when you're first starting because you can go on quite thickly with a palette knife and the board structure stays exactly the same. With the canvas, you've just got to be a little bit more careful that you don't press really, really hard into it, but also if you're trying to get very…
