From the course: Painting Foundations: Light and the Landscape

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Challenge: Grouping tones together

Challenge: Grouping tones together

- So we've seen how you can split an image into simple tones and still create a pretty good sense of realism without any color or any brush variation. So, I want to challenge you to paint on top of a full color photograph using just four block tones. You will have to make a decision on how dark or light a color is within the scene and which gray is going to be closest to it. And this practice forces you to simplify areas that you might normally get caught up in the detail as you've only got four choices. So, choose your gray by thinking about the light source. Look for those large shapes of light and dark to get you started, and then question logically how would the light be falling in this scene. And then you can begin to place your mid tones. Sometimes, when you make your first judgment with the grays as you then progress them further along in the painting you'll see that that first judgment was out and you would then have to paint over again. That it is absolutely fine. That's all…
