From the course: Painting Foundations: Light and the Landscape

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Blocking in base colors: Water

Blocking in base colors: Water

(soft gentle music) - So I can also bring some of this warmth down into the water. (soft gentle music) And I can paint this quite roughly, and quite sketchy so that I still get some of the ground color as well, and then when I putting some, blues and other tones in there, it's not completely one solid area to paint into. Again adding in a little bit of that gray mixes with this hue to create this nice greeny in-between color. Then as the tonal value drops, I can drop to the next orangey tone that we've got. So now we can drop our tonal value one more, so drop to the final mix in our first string. And it's a little bit down here on the bottom. And then we can start to use that tone to start to paint in the lighter areas on the buildings. Then where it's a bit lighter, I can just leave the value of the tonal ground and that can act as my light. (soft gentle music) So now I'm just going to clean my brushes. And then I can start to add in the darker tones to the main building and some of…
