From the course: Painting Foundations: Light and the Landscape

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Adding texture

Adding texture

- I now want to show you on our study painting how you can use a palette knife as a painting tool to add thicker pastures of color and real impressionistic flare with your marks. And then we can move on to the main painting to put the palette knife effects onto that. So, this is the smooth surface that we were painting on for this study, but when you get to the stage of the painting where you've done your blocking in, you've added a bit more refinement from the details, you can still then add texture in the final layers just to bring the viewer's attention to a certain part of the painting. So, for example, down here where you've got this lovely bright color of the cream color or areas in the sky where you just feel you want a little bit more interest, you can do that by adding thicker paint and I find using a palette knife is often the best tool for the job. So, for example here, if I wanted to just add a bit of texture on this left-hand side you can just go straight on with the…
