From the course: Outsourcing Critical Success Factors

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Vendor vs. partner: Which is best?

Vendor vs. partner: Which is best?

- Author David Knorr talks about three types of relationship. Personal, friendships not necessarily related to work. Functional, with work colleagues, customers, or a vendor. Or strategic, relationships that extend the horizon of your business. In an outsourcing context, the client and the outsourcer may have a vendor relationship or a strategic partner type of relationship. How both parties behave with each other is contingent upon whether a functional or partnership relationship exists. There are several factors that influence whether an outsourcing relationship is vendor or partner based. First, the size of the outsourcing and the tie between the client strategic direction and the outsource services. Second, the ability for the outsourcer to broaden their services to meet the needs of a growing dynamic client. Last, and in many ways, most important, the attitude and trust between the parties. Let's look at each of…
