From the course: Outsourcing Critical Success Factors

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Requesting a one-off service

Requesting a one-off service

- As an independent business owner for over 20 years, getting a request to deliver a piece of work that isn't part of my standard offering represents a dual-edged sword. Many questions come to mind. Is this going to take a lot of work for something I'll only deliver once for a single client? What will the impact of creating and delivering this service do to my ability to deliver my standard services? What exactly is my client looking for and why have they brought this service request to me? I don't know of any outsourcer that hasn't asked similar questions when receiving a one-off or unique service request. However, how these are handled can represent a critical success factor for outsourced accounts as it reflects the degree of trust and cooperation between the parties. With that in mind, here's the best way to proceed when submitting and evaluating one-off service requests. Look for the opportunity and minimize the…
