From the course: Outsourcing Critical Success Factors

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Exercise solution: Find the pitfalls

Exercise solution: Find the pitfalls

- In the last video, I invited you to listen in on a conversation about some difficulties a colleague of mine is having with her outsourcing engagement. I then asked you to consider the situation you just heard about, review the content of this course, and determine the course of action you believe I will recommend. For me, the key part of our dialogue was in this segment. That's interesting. I'd like to challenge you. Are the requests for services related to services you're delivering today that impact your client's critical business functions? Well, on paper, yes. But the client doesn't behave like they're important at all. For instance, the last time we delivered against a special request, it caused a delay in processing some standard services. When we contacted the client to work with them to test the correction we made, they said the team had all gone home for the day and they would contact us the next morning. The…
