From the course: Outsourcing Critical Success Factors

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Exercise: Find the pitfalls

Exercise: Find the pitfalls

- In this video, I invite you to listen in on a conversation about some difficulties a colleague of mine is having with her outsourcing engagement. Christina has just taken on a senior role in managing a team providing outsource services. After you've listened to the conversation, I'll give you an opportunity to determine what might be missing in this outsourcing engagement. - Hi Bob, I'm hoping you can help me out. Do you have a few minutes? - Sure. What's up? - Most of the time I think we have a good relationship with the client in the outsourcing engagement I've started to manage. But other times, I'm not so sure. - What is your client doing or saying that gives you doubts? - My client has a tendency to come up with new ideas and that often means they will ask us to deliver new services. Don't get me wrong, I think that's a great idea and it's one of the reasons I think we have a good relationship. - That's a very…
