From the course: Outsourcing Critical Success Factors

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Business strategy planning

Business strategy planning

- An outsourcer can become a client's strategic partner when a trust-based relationship exists. If that condition exists, as a client, you might consider having your outsourcer participate in helping you derive your strategic direction. This is viable when your relationship is based on trust, and first, there are no conflicts of interest with the outsourcer's other clients. If you are a major retail department store and your outsourcer also provided services for your most direct competitor, this could be problematic. Second, if your outsourcer could be part of or facilitate your business growth, having them participate in at least a subset of your strategy sessions could be advantageous. Third, if your outsourcer is involved in directly serving your customers, it's recommended that you work with your outsourcer on your strategy to ensure the outsourcer can properly represent you and respond in a way you would want your…
