From the course: Operational Excellence Foundations

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Voice of the customer, CTQs, and metrics

Voice of the customer, CTQs, and metrics

From the course: Operational Excellence Foundations

Voice of the customer, CTQs, and metrics

- When you order online for a take out from a restaurant, what's important to you? Well let's say you have a peanut allergy. You order a seemingly innocent food item, like a grilled cheese sandwich, and you state in your order that you have a peanut allergy. In short, you probably don't want any peanuts or traces of peanuts in your food. No peanut allergens in your grilled cheese sandwich is what's important to you, the customer. But these are expressed from the customer's viewpoint. These are what we call the Voice of the Customer or VOC. VOC are needs and expectations expressed in the customer's language. Now put yourself in the shoes of the restaurant owner. How can you make these words meaningful to your employees as they make and deliver orders such as this one? You will have to translate them from the customer's language. You have to put it in terms that are meaningful to your employees' work. Put another way, you have to translate the voice of the customer into…
