From the course: Operational Excellence Foundations

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Quality at the source

Quality at the source

- How often do you have to redo or rework someone else's work output? Or how often are defects and problems found at the end of a process? If a defect occurs in step two, why is it not discovered until the 99th step when inspection takes place? Think of all of the costs incurred in processing the defective item from step two to step 99. What about the cost of scrap or, if it's salvageable, the cost of repair and rework and re-inspection? Or worse yet, the effects remain undetected until they end up in customers' hands. What about the cost of recalls, warranty claims, lawsuits, the loss of customers, and bad reputation? Quality should be assured at the source. The principle of quality at the source means that quality is assured at the source where work is performed so that no defects are passed down to the next step or to subsequent processes. The source can be a person, such as a waiter taking an order, a workstation in a factory or a call center, a department processing a…
