From the course: Operational Excellence Foundations

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Process or value stream management

Process or value stream management

- As a manager or fellow employee, don't you dread it when you hear these words: "That's the way the system works." Or, "We'll make do." Or the dreaded phrase, "it is what it is." These are all symptomatic of the value stream or process not being managed and work not being done. Effective value stream or process management and control require the following. Standard work and authority, control plans, process metrics and KPIs, process owners, value stream managers. Standard work and authority are essential. Process steps and tasks should be streamlined, defined, documented, and made known to employees. This includes who does what, when, and how. Standard work, standard operating procedures, or SOPs, and visual standards are used and reinforced through training. Employees should know what they're supposed to do. They need to know how to do it. And they need to know that they have the responsibility and authority to make things right. Authority must be commensurate or consistent with…
