From the course: Operational Excellence Foundations

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Process mapping

Process mapping

- They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. Yes, it is much easier if you are able to visualize what you're trying to understand, manage or improve. A process map is a diagram that provides a visual representation of the process flow, or a sequence of activities or steps that take place in a process from start to finish. There are different types of process maps. At the highest level is the high-level process map. This provides a view of the process at 10,000 feet high. A high-level process map displays the main activities of major steps in the process. Usually showing a whole process in 10 or fewer major steps. If any of these major process steps needs more granularity to be better understood, utilize process decomposition. This is when you drill down or decompose those specific steps into more detail using detailed process maps. A detailed process map provides sufficient granularity to enable the project team to understand what is going on, not going on, and display where…
