From the course: Operational Excellence Foundations

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Process control and the control plan

Process control and the control plan

From the course: Operational Excellence Foundations

Process control and the control plan

- Do your operators, engineers, or customer service reps know what needs to be monitored and controlled to achieve the desired outcome? For example, in a pizza chain, do employees working in the kitchen know what's important and what to watch for such as what the baking temperature should be and what the actual temperature is at anytime? Are they authorized to take any action if the heat is too high or too low? Do they know what actions to take to make it right? Well, there's a tool to address all these questions, it's called the control plan or process control plan or matrix, they are all the same thing. The control plan is a tool that provides process owners and operators with the means to control a process so that it performs well on an ongoing basis. The control plan specifies what needs to be controlled, these are control subjects. Control subjects are factors or perimeters that impact the outcome. In our example, one control subject is baking temperature. What it should be…
