From the course: Operational Excellence Foundations

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- Congratulations. You have made it to the end of this course. Operational excellence is all about getting work done better, faster, cheaper, while delivering superior value to customers. Just a review. To achieve operational excellence, you need to have processes that are effective and efficient at delivering value, tools and techniques for design, improvement, and control, the right mindset and behaviors where everybody wants to and is able to be operationally excellent. And enterprise wide alignment of strategies, priorities, and decisions. If you are interested in learning more, I recommend watching my courses on Six Sigma Foundations, Six Sigma: Green Belt, and Six Sigma: Black Belt. These courses provide a deeper dive into many of the concepts, tools, and techniques we have discussed. For a closer look into graphs, charts, and data analysis for operational excellence, I recommend my introductory course called Learning Minitab. Remember, operational excellence is thought, and…
