From the course: Operational Excellence Foundations

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Kano model and Its Implications

Kano model and Its Implications

- When you shop online, board a flight, or stay at a hotel, what's important to you? Is everything equally important? For example, is having a safe flight of equal importance as having free champagne? Definitely not. These quality attributes describe different aspects of the experience, service, or products, and they are indeed different, and should be treated as such. But wait, there is a model to help you do just that. It's called the Kano model. Named and developed by Dr. Noriaki Kano to model how customers perceive quality, it is based on the level of achievement on three types of attributes that impact customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The three types are dissatisfiers, or basic quality attributes; satisfiers, or performance quality attributes; and delighters, or excitement quality attributes. Here is a Kano model where the vertical scale is increasing satisfaction as you go higher up above the horizontal axis, and increasing dissatisfaction as you go further down the…
