From the course: Operational Excellence Foundations

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Implementation challenges

Implementation challenges

- There are many challenges in implementing and sustaining operational excellence. Here are some common implementation challenges. Fear of headcount reduction and job losses. Many employees view operational excellence, especially lean, as a means by management to lean out the organization, resulting in job cuts. Rightly or wrongly, that's the view and fear. Senior management has to address this fear head on. Not through pronouncements, but through actions. When processes of value streams become more efficient, any displaced workers should be reassigned to fill useful roles elsewhere within the company. And as the company grows, these folks can fill new roles, first removing any need for new hires. Lack of buy-in and acceptance. Most people don't like change. To improve buy-in, and acceptance of changes and improvements, ensure that the right metrics and performance targets are implemented. Metrics and rewards that motivate the right mindsets, behaviors, and results much support the…
