From the course: Operational Excellence Foundations

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Audits to sustain operational excellence

Audits to sustain operational excellence

From the course: Operational Excellence Foundations

Audits to sustain operational excellence

- On New Year's Eve, many people are all excited about making and pronouncing their New Year resolutions with a lot of fanfare, sharing them with friends and on social media. Later on, when all that excitement dies down, how many of those resolutions are kept? Well, there's always next year. But you do not want this to happen to operational excellence. Operational excellence is not a slogan or rallying cry for excellent performance, nor should it ever be. Slogans become old news and fade. To sustain operational excellence, it must become part of the organization's DNA, become part of the regular routine for creating and delivering value to customers. And the secret sauce is process discipline. Process audits are excellent for verifying and reinforcing what has already been implemented. The objectives and scope of these process audits should include the following. To ensure that processes are well designed and capable, the audit needs to evaluate process capability in meeting…
