From the course: Operational Excellence Foundations

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Alignment for operational excellence

Alignment for operational excellence

From the course: Operational Excellence Foundations

Alignment for operational excellence

- As management guru Peter Drucker once said, "What gets measured gets managed." There are several types of measurements and metrics used across many organizations. A common complain among employees is: "We have so many metrics and so many so-called KPIs," or key performance indicators, "to the point where we don't really know "which ones are truly the key KPIs." There's confusion among employees as to what is being managed and on which ones they should perform well. For example, if I am a customer service rep in a call center, am I evaluated on average call handling time or first call resolution rate? Should I rush through a call, or should I take the time and effort to resolve a customer problem? Unfortunately, this confusion is all too common, regardless of whether you're working in the front office in customer-facing jobs, in back office operations, in manufacturing, or support functions such as IT and HR. To add to that, employees get mixed messages. For example, those working on…
