From the course: No-Code Solutions for Web Sites And Apps

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Zapier for no-code automation

Zapier for no-code automation

- [Instructor] Next up, let's take a look at ways of automating various kinds of workflows. And the big name in this area is Zapier. And it is pronounced Zapier because Zapier makes you happier. Zapier automates things that you are probably doing now. If you are waiting for some email to come in, and then you're copying and pasting something to Slack, for example, or if you are creating a blog post, and then you have to post that blog post across a dozen social media channels, Zapier can automate all of that for you and save you a ton of time. So let's take a look at what Zapier is doing here. As you see, as you scroll on down here, it's going to be something like this. When I'm assigned a new task, add it to my to-do list and then remind me about it the next day so that I don't forget about it. That would be an example of an automation. And here's another example of an automation of leads going to Slack and Mailchimp…
