From the course: No-Code Solutions for Web Sites And Apps

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Editor X for no-code websites

Editor X for no-code websites

- [Instructor] Increasingly, professional UI, or User Interface developers, are using no-code tools for building the front-end of websites. These tools have even deeper levels of customization over tools like Squarespace and Wix, and they are consequently even more complex in their interfaces. There are several choices for this type of tool in the market, including Webflow, Dorik, Framer, and this first one that we'll explore, Editor X. Editor X is from the same company as Wix. Editor X is a full-featured professional-level tool for building webpages without code. In other words you can integrate code from other developers and build very complex websites. So this is the Editor X website at, feel free to scroll through the information and see all of the features that they talk about here. Of course, what Editor X, like all of the other tools we've seen, starts with various kinds of templates, and including…
