From the course: No-Code Solutions for Web Sites And Apps

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Carrd for no-code websites

Carrd for no-code websites

- [Jen] Carrd is a very fast, simple way to build single page websites, mostly for free. In fact, free is one of Carrd's biggest advantages. You get up to three sites per account for free. As you scroll on through here, you'll see we can build one page sites for pretty much everything. So kind of what Canva did, different interface and different types of features here. So as it says, for a free account, you can build up to three sites per account and use all of Carrd's core features. Or for $19 a year, yep, per year, you can go pro and get additional items like a custom domain name, forms, analytics, that kind of thing. So it's a pretty straightforward value proposition that Carrd has. In other words, you can build lots and lots and lots of different kinds of landing pages and do it quickly and relatively inexpensively. So, one of the things that you might want to take a look at are their templates. And if we look at…
