From the course: No-Code Solutions for Web Sites And Apps

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AppSheet for no-code projects

AppSheet for no-code projects

- [Speaker] Google AppSheet is a No-code application that integrates with an existing data source to create web applications. In this case, a data source is one like a Google Sheet or Google Drive, preferably. It will also integrate with other data source like hosted Excel files, cloud SQL, Apigee, Azure, SQL, AWS and Salesforce objects. So this is the app sheet website. Appsheet was originally an application created by some independent developers. It was later bought by Google. And as you can see here, there are all kinds of interesting apps that you can build with AppSheet using those data sources like a Google Sheet, for example, that will provide data to that application. And as it says here, over 4 million apps have been created with AppSheet. If you take a look at their templates here, there are many different kinds of templates that are available. They've already got set up for you. So some fairly…
