From the course: Networking Foundations: Wide Area Networks (WANs)

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Wireless WAN via 4G/ 5G

Wireless WAN via 4G/ 5G

- [Instructor] In today's time, we are no longer limited to wired network connectivity 'cause we also now have wireless solutions. And so in this video, let us cover the various wireless WAN technologies such as mobile broadband and fixed wireless access plus I'll also share something about municipal Wi-Fi. First we got 3G, 4G and 5G connections, also known as cellular or mobile broadband. Yes, it is wireless 'cause you don't need any wires when you connect to 4G or 5G through your phone, right? And it is WAN 'cause you are able to connect to the internet and even to other servers across the globe. Hence, cellular or mobile broadband is a wireless WAN. Many users with smartphones and tablets can use cellular connectivity for internet browsing, accessing their emails, and even for streaming audio and videos online. But is it limited to mobile phones? Not at all. 'Cause we also now have wireless routers that connect to the internet using 4G and 5G as well via SIM cards. Cool, eh? But…
