From the course: Networking Foundations: Wide Area Networks (WANs)

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- [Instructor] In the previous videos, we've looked at private WAN connections. This time, let us cover the various public WAN connections, starting with WAN via DSL. DSL is an acronym for a digital subscriber line, or in some other references, they refer to it as digital subscriber loop. It uses the existing twisted pair telephone lines for internet connectivity. But hey, don't get me wrong, you don't need a separate phone to get a DSL connection. There just need to be an existing telephone line in the area, within considerable distance from your service provider, of course. Wait, if it uses existing telephone lines, is it the same as dial-up? Well, not really. You see, dial-up carries analog signals, whereas in DSL, the signals are converted from analog to digital, hence the name, digital subscriber line. Meanwhile, with dial-up connection, we use a modem. For DSL, we use a DSL modem on the end of the customer or subscriber. The subscriber lines then aggregate to the point of…
