From the course: Networking Foundations: Wide Area Networks (WANs)

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WAN via cable

WAN via cable

- [Instructor] Another common WAN connection is via cable internet. Cable internet uses coaxial cable, which is similar to that which is used in television. It follows the DOCSIS standard, or that is the Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification, so as to transport the data over a coaxial cable. Coaxial cables offer a wider frequency range than the two pair phone cables that are used for DSL. Hence, cable internet is found to have higher bandwidths. Here is a sample topology of how cable internet works. A cable modem is used to translate the digital signals into the broadband frequencies, which then leads to the local cable TV office, also known as the headend. A CMTS or a cable modem termination system is then used so as to provide internet services to the customers. Something to note about cable internet is that all the local subscribers do share the same cable bandwidth. What this means is that the more subscribers there are in the locality, then the greater the number of…
