From the course: Networking Foundations: Wide Area Networks (WANs)

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WAN topologies

WAN topologies

- [Presenter] A network topology refers to how the devices in the network are connected to each other. For WAN or the wide area network, this may refer to how various sites are connected or how our network is connected to various internet service providers. There are five common WAN topologies. These are point-to-point, hub-and-spoke, dual-homed, full mesh, and partial mesh. Let us start with the point-to-point topology. A point-to-point topology, as the name implies, refers to a point-to-point connectivity between two endpoints. In this topology, the packets from one site are sent to another site as if there is a direct link between the two. Typically, this topology involves having a dedicated lease line connection like a T3 or E3 line, or a private connection, much like with A VPN. Wondering about dedicated lease lines or VPN perhaps? Don't worry, we'll cover them separately in the succeeding videos. Now, a point-to-point topology is great for high speed private connectivity between…
