From the course: Networking Foundations: Wide Area Networks (WANs)

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WAN security and optimization

WAN security and optimization

- [Presenter] Say, we now have a WAN connection. What's next? Well, the next step is for us to think of how to secure and optimize our WAN connection. Let us start with WAN security. For site-to-site connections, and even for remote access, one of the most common ways to secure the WAN traffic is by using VPN, or that is the virtual private network. Think of it like having a virtual tunnel between your sites. All traffic between the sites will then pass through the virtual tunnel, hence, a virtual private network. You can also add encryption and authentication to a VPN connection so as to keep your data more secure. However, with added security measures, it will add overhead to the network traffic as well. That is why sometimes, not always, you may notice that the network connection can be a bit slower when using a VPN. For that matter, it is important to also compare and assess which is the right VPN solution for you. Now, aside from VPNs, you also need to check the security of your…
