From the course: Networking Foundations: Wide Area Networks (WANs)

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WAN provider links

WAN provider links

- [Instructor] The internet service providers, or ISPs, have various options for WAN access connections. They can offer private WAN infrastructure for entities such as large enterprises or public WAN infrastructure for the general public, such as the one that you may have at home. Private WAN infrastructure include dedicated list lines, such as T one, T three, and E one E three lines, circuit switch links such as PSDN and ISDN, as well as packet switch lines like Frame Relay, MPLS, or Metro Ethernet. On the other hand, public WAN infrastructure include broadband services such as DSL, cable and satellite intranet. In today's time, we also have wireless WAN via 4G and 5G technologies, such as the one that you may use in your mobile phones and tablets. For fast connectivity, we also have WAN via fiber optics, typically used in the backbone of our networks. And you may have also heard of SDN or software-defined networking, which is actually now the trend for wide area networks as well…
