From the course: Networking Foundations: Wide Area Networks (WANs)

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T1/E1 and T3/E3 leased lines for WAN

T1/E1 and T3/E3 leased lines for WAN

- [Instructor] Let us look at the various private WAN connections, starting with leased lines. Say we got an office in Melbourne, Australia, and another in London, UK, and we'd like to connect the two networks exclusively. One option that we can take is to have a point topology using leased lines. With a point-to-point link, the connection is simple because it's just between two sites. Another advantage is that the capacity of the links is dedicated only to this connection. Nice, right? However, the caveat is that the point-to-point links are typically expensive, given the nature of it being dedicated and private. The fee is paid on a monthly basis, that is why it's called leased lines. Get it? Leased lines. All right, let's move on. With this type of connection, we typically use a serial cable, hence, other may refer to it as a serial link or serial line. You can actually connect two routers back-to-back with a serial cable. Now, at the back of the router, you may see a serial1…
